Publish Your Book

How To Publish a Book: An Overview of Publishing
 For any writer who aspires to be an author, knowing how to publish a book is essential. It's a common scenario — you have an idea for a book but you have no way of knowing how to translate that idea from your computer screen into print or online.
 Now, more than at any other time in history, there are more opportunities and possibilities to write, share, and publish a story — and interact with an audience. Whether you are after the traditional publishing experience, complete with an agent, editor, and publisher, or want to self-publish your book, it's completely within your grasp. You decide what works best for you and your work.
 We're going to guide you through the book publishing process and give you the resources to choose which publishing option fits your work best. But first, you should know about traditional and self-publishing.
 Traditional Publishing
 Traditional book publishing is when a publisher offers the author a contract and, in turn, prints, publishes, and sells your book through booksellers and other retailers. The publisher essentially buys the right to publish your book and sell.
 If you want to publish a book traditionally, most writers need to find an agent. In order to find one, you must identify the right category for your writing. If you are a writer, you will need to submit a book proposal with three sample chapters, and a synopsis of each chapter. If you are writing fiction, you must have your manuscript complete.
 Once these steps are accomplished, you're ready to write a query letter. This letter is what you will send to potential agents. It's important to mention the different parts that make up a query letter. You should be sure to mention the synopsis of your book, the chapter summary, the market or audience your book is meant for, and a description of yourself.

Rs. 250
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Rs. 135
About Us
  • Theo Gallery and Theo Publication are the official book distribution and publications of St. Francis Assisi Capuchin Province, Kerala.
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  • Theo Gallery 
    Capuchin Ashram 
    Alappuzha North P.O 
    Alappuzha 688007 
    Kerala, India.

    whatsapp: 9020556881
    Phone No: 7056841237 ( Capuchin ashram) 
